Am I Liable in Unsafe Working Conditions?
By Barbara Forshier on September 6th, 2022 in
Unsafe Working Conditions: Am I Still Liable?
If you find yourself asking the question, “Am I Still Liable in Unsafe Working Conditions,” please, read on. This article will clear up this potential source of confusion.
Even if your supervisor orders you to work in an unsafe environment, you are still liable for anything that happens on your watch. Consider, for example, being assigned a large patient caseload in a department you have never worked in alone. If you get overwhelmed and backed up, patients’ needs are likely to go unmet or unnoticed. If a patient gets hurt or dies, it will ultimately come back to you. While the facility may face penalties for unsafe hiring or employment practice, you could still have your license suspended or revoked. If the Board of Nursing takes action against you for patient outcomes, they will look largely at your role in it. If you feel unsafe working in an environment, it is your responsibility to speak up about it and refuse to put yourself or your patients in a dangerous position. This is difficult to do, especially if you work in an understaffed facility that is constantly running on fumes. However, remember that the facility will not go to bat for you if you come under fire. You must protect yourself and your career.
At Forshier Law, we take nurses and their livelihoods very seriously. If you are concerned about whether your license may come into question following working in an unsafe environment, contact Barb Forshier of Forshier Law to discuss your situation today.